POSTCARD, 21 April 2023
Dear friend of La Bagatelle,
I love working with those near and dear to me. I like the community feel, but I also know how excellent my friends are at what they do, and that they will give it their all when working with me. Emmanuel Martini is the perfect example. He is married to one of my closest friends and I am very lucky to now call him my friend too. Emmanuel is a parfumer with great taste, and thus it was both natural and fun to develop on the world of La Bagatelle in scents with him. Our latest scented candle is inspired by his childhood years growing up in the Caribbean. Something I felt was perfect for setting the mood for my summer nights. I dream of open fireplaces and open windows at night and the scent of La Bagatelle dancing through the air. There is more about Emmanuel in this Postcard and please meet our new scented candle called “The library” launching today.
This Postcard is also dedicated to something else that I love which is stripes. By chance I stumbled across a few rolls of striped Indian handwoven cotton early last summer in London. The feel of the fabric and the colours in particular were so very appealing. What is special about Indian fabric in general is the charm of irregularities, the hand feel and the wonderful and quite sophisticated sense of colour. When the colours are combined in stribes it is as if magic happens. Colour combinations that let you dream of warmer and easier days come woven into the fabric. There is usually very little of each fabric, so everything we do with them be it shirts or skirts is very limited indeed.
Lots of love,
Malene Malling